Lady with short dirt blonde hair wearing triangular earrings and a dark red shirt. Who works as the Chief Executive.

Sue Marlow

I have been associated with the charity since it formed in 2018. However I have been involved with our foundation project – Band Without Boundaries (BwB) from when it began in 2011.

Contact me:

How I am involved in the charity:

In the role of project manager I set up Band Without Boundaries as part of a partnership project and then became Chief Executive of the charity when it formed.

My background:

I have worked in both the arts and sciences. I began my career in research and the NHS. I then moved into the arts and worked for a music charity where amongst other roles I ran inclusive youth projects.

What attracted me to working with Arts Without Boundaries:

I am passionate about everyone having access to the arts both in terms of the diversity this brings and the benefits creativity has on people’s sense of well-being and belonging to the community.


The arts, music, film and design, writing and spoken word, gardening and nature